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How to use heat-shrinkable tape for anti-corrosion construction of elbow

Time:2020/5/26 posted:Kehong Enterprises Co.,Ltd.

In straight pipeline welding joints, it is possible to use anti-corrosion tape to prevent corrosion, so what is used to prevent corrosion in bent pipes? At this time, it is not possible to use a heat shrinkable tape, because the 500mm wide heat shrinkable tape at the elbow is not easy to cover, and it is easy to fold and flare. At this time, it is necessary to use heat shrinkable winding tape, which is also a type of heat shrinkable tape, but it is cut into different widths according to different tube diameters. The regular width is 5/10/15/20 cm. Here's how to use it for everyone:

     1. Use a sander, wire brush or sandblasting tool to polish the surface to be anti-corrosion smooth, clean and remove rust. If it is used for patching, the outer protective layers of both ends will be sanded. ,

     2. Preheat the surface of the steel pipe to about 90 degrees Celsius, then heat the inner layer of hot shrinkable tape at one end of the heat shrinkable tape with a slight fire until it completely melts, and then quickly paste it on the surface of the steel pipe.

     3. The heat shrinkable tape is lined with hot melt adhesive while the heat shrinkable tape is not less than 50mm.

     4. After the winding is completed, heat the heat-shrinkable tape with a small fire, and press out the bubbles with your hands (wearing gloves) while heating, until the hot-melt adhesive overflows from the edge of the tape and the overlap.

     5. The end of the heat shrinkable winding tape should be pasted firmly, and flattened by hand (wearing gloves) while heating. If used for patching, the overlap between the heat shrinkable wrapping tape and the outer sheath is not less than 80mm.

     Generally, 50% overlap is recommended for the construction of heat shrinkable winding tape. It is recommended to use two people for construction, one for baking, and one for heat shrink wrap.



    1, 用打磨器、钢丝刷或者喷砂等工具将待防腐表面打磨光滑、清洁除锈。如用于补口,再将两端外防护层砂毛。,

    2, 预热钢管表面到90摄氏度左右,再用微火加热热缩缠绕带一端内层热熔胶至完全融化,然后迅速将其黏贴在钢管表面。





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