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Electrical insulating materials standardization trend

Time:2019/8/9 posted:Kehong Enterprises Co.,Ltd.

in recent years, according to the development of new materials, nano-electrical insulation systems, green environment, super capacitors, etc., IEC / TC112 standards of these international hot technology in the direction of standardization work in order to ensure that the relevant test new technology, new materials and environmental protection have available methods. Standardization trends particular fall into the following eight aspects:

1, the tracking of new insulating material, such as: thermal control, to ensure the availability of the test standard. With the development of new materials and improved material properties, required IEC / TC112 continuously track the market to ensure that the appropriate testing standards have availability;

2, electrical insulation systems for Nano, developed the required test criteria. Nanotechnology lead to the development of new manufacturers of electrically insulating material, whereby a relatively conventional test method is not applicable, IEC / TC112 for standardization in this area will be carried out;

3, in the DC power transmission development field, space charge interest standardized testing techniques. International trends from AC to DC power transmission, the IEC / TC112 will focus on space charge standardized test method may be prospects for development;

4, the use of new measurement technologies to advance the revised IEC / TC112 existing standards, testing methods to promote advanced and applicable standards sex;

5, environmental considerations into standardization. Environmental safety, in some cases require new test indicators, such as the early use of chemicals due to environmental regulations may be disabled, IEC / TC112 in the standard-setting process will take into account environmental factors;

6, consider the hot spot will focus on the international electrical insulation heat shrink tubing material into the system and to standardization, including low voltage DC distribution system, the biological material and systems, and green material system;

7, the electrochemical system, comprising a battery and a super capacitor (EDLCs), as advancing direction of standardization;

8 , ready to accept the most advanced equipment and systems included in the standard.











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