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Copper drain heat shrink tube hot and cold shock test(Ⅱ)Current Location:Home > Copper drain heat shrink tube hot and cold shock test(Ⅱ)

6, test requirements

Start temperature requirements

Although the general cold and hot shock test standards for the starting temperature of the hot and cold shock test is not mentioned or not made mandatory, but this is the test must be considered when carrying out, because it involves whether the test is to end at low temperature or high temperature state, thus determining whether the product needs to be dried, resulting in extended test time.

If the test ends at the end of the low temperature standard test product from the cold and hot impact test box (chamber), should be restored under normal test atmospheric conditions until the sample to reach the temperature stability, this operation will inevitably make the test sample surface condensation introduction temperature effect on the product. This changes the nature of the experiment.

In the GBJ 150 implementation guide, in order to eliminate this effect to avoid prolonged recovery of the test implementation time, the sample can be recovered in a high temperature box of 50, until the condensation dry before reaching temperature stability at room temperature. The implementation guide suggests that the starting impact temperature can be changed, starting from low temperature test, so that the test results at high temperature to avoid the product out of the hot and cold impact test box condensation. The two test methods have subjected the test sample to withstand six extreme temperature (three high temperatures, three low temperatures) and five temperature impact process, but the number of different impact directions is different, the two tests may achieve the same test effect, but the latter test method does not need to add drying time, shorten the cold and hot impact test time.

Test time requirements

(1) GJB150.5 provides for a lower limit of 1h, that is, the temperature stabilization time is less than 1h, there must be 1h;

(2) GB2423.22 gives 10min to 3h 5 time levels, the same use table according to the hot and cold impact test box measured product temperature stability time, the use of its closest time or optional time rating, directly using its closest time as the holding time;

(3) 810F method 503.4 does not specify a specific time or optional time rating, directly using copper drain heat shrink tube to achieve temperature stability time or copper drain heat shrink tube in the environment of the real exposure time.

In the temperature impact test, the most important is to establish the stress caused by the inconsistency of heat expansion and cold shrinkage of different materials. The actual thermal impact is most likely to occur on the outside of the copper discharge shrink tube under test, the relevant information indicates that the temperature of the whole product need not be achieved, but as long as the temperature of the copper drain shrink tube is the same as the test temperature. Although there is some truth, there are some difficulties in implementation, because it is not possible to install many sensors on the surface of the copper drain heat shrink tube, in addition to the copper drain heat shrink tube parts of the heat transfer capacity is not consistent, the test copper drain heat shrink tube internal adjacent components heat capacity is not consistent, it is difficult to determine.


1、热收缩材料:以可塑性线型高聚物或高聚物合金为基材,用高能辐照方法或化学方法使聚合物分子 链部分交联成为网状结构获得弹性“记忆效应”,经加热扩张至特定尺寸后冷却定型,使 用时加热到适当温度后自行收缩到扩张前的形状和尺寸,这种材料称为热收缩材料。





   (1)GJB 150-86《军用设备环境试验方法》

   (2)GB 2423《电工电子产品基本环境试验规程》












   在GBJ 150实施指南中提出,为了消除这一影响避免长时间恢复延长试验实施时间,可将样品在50的高温箱中恢复,待凝露干后再在常温中达到温度稳定。实施指南中提出可改变起始冲击温度,从低温开始试验,以使试验结果在高温避免产品出冷热冲击试验箱产生凝露。两种试验方法却使受试样品经受六次极端温度(三次高温,三次低温)作用及五次温度冲击过程,只是不同冲击方向的次数有所不同,这两种试验可能达到的试验效果是基本相同的,但后一种试验方法无需加烘干时间,缩短了冷热冲击试验时间。






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