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Copper drain heat shrink tube hot and cold shock test (Ⅰ)Current Location:Home > Copper drain heat shrink tube hot and cold shock test (Ⅰ)

1, thermal shrinkmaterials: plastic ized high polymer or polymer alloy as the substrate, with high-energy irradiation methodor or chemical method to make the polymer molecular chain part of the cross-linking into a mesh structure to obtain elastic "memory effect", after heating expansion to a specific size after cooling stereotypes, so that when heated to the appropriate temperature after self-shrink to the shape and size before expansion, This material is called a heat shrink material.

2, heat shrink sleeve: the above-mentioned high polymer or polymer alloy by extrusion molding to obtain a specified size of tubular intermediate products, irradiated (or chemical) after cross-linking heating expansion, cooling training with a certain size of tubular products become heat shrink casing.

3, the definition of copper drain heat shrink tube hot and cold shock test

The cold and cold shock test, also known as the temperature shock test or the high and low temperature impact test, is used to assess the adaptability of the copper discharge heat shrink tube to the rapid change of ambient temperature, is an indispensable test in the routine test of the batch production stage, and in some cases can also be used for environmental stress screening test. It can be said that the frequency applied in the hot and cold shock test box in verifying and improving the environmental adaptability of copper discharge shrink tube is second only to the vibration and high and low temperature test.

4, common implementation standards

(1) GJB 150-86 Environmental Test Method for Military Equipment

(2) GB 2423 "Basic Environmental Test Ingenies of Electrical and Electronic Products"

(3) U.S. Army standard MIL-STD-810F "Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests"

5, the purpose of the hot and cold shock test

In fact, as a tool, the purpose of the hot and cold shock test box is different when applied at different stages of product development:

(1) The engineering development stage can be used to find the design and process defects of copper drain heat shrink tube;

(2) The basis for the decision-making of copper-drained heat shrink tube or design appraisal and approval stage;

(3) As an environmental stress screening application, the purpose is to eliminate the early failure of copper exhaust heat shrink tube.

Therefore, when preparing environmental test outlines or screening outlines for different stages of the development process, test reports or screening reports, the purpose of the test seistic tests for hot and cold shock tests is materialized and should not be expressed vaguely or generally.

1、热收缩材料:以可塑性线型高聚物或高聚物合金为基材,用高能辐照方法或化学方法使聚合物分子 链部分交联成为网状结构获得弹性“记忆效应”,经加热扩张至特定尺寸后冷却定型,使 用时加热到适当温度后自行收缩到扩张前的形状和尺寸,这种材料称为热收缩材料。
    (1)GJB 150-86《军用设备环境试验方法》
    (2)GB 2423《电工电子产品基本环境试验规程》

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