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10KV to 35KV Busbar heat shrink tube

Time:2024/1/25 posted:Kehong Enterprises Co.,Ltd.
1. Product Overview:

Busbar heat shrinkable tube is a tubular material used to insulate and protect busbars, which is suitable for busbars of 10KV~35KV voltage class. It is made of a special heat-shrinkable material that shrinks when heated and wraps tightly around the bus, providing insulation and protection.

2. Product features:

- Excellent insulation performance: the bus heat shrink tube has good insulation performance, can effectively isolate the bus and the external environment, improve the insulation level of the bus, and ensure the safe operation of the power system.
- Wear and corrosion resistance: The product has wear and corrosion resistance characteristics, which can protect the bus from external factors and extend the service life of the bus.
- Adapt to different environments: the busbar heat shrink tube can adapt to different environmental conditions, such as temperature changes, humidity and pollution, etc., to maintain its stable insulation performance.
- Reliable shrinkage performance: During the heating process, the bus heat shrink tube can be uniformly shrunk and tightly fitted to the bus surface, forming a strong insulating protective layer to effectively prevent leakage and short circuit.

3. Application field:

10KV~35KV bus heat shrink tube is widely used in power system, substation, switchgear and other fields, used to protect and insulate the bus, improve the reliability and safety of power equipment.

4. Product specifications:

Busbar heat shrink tubes are usually available in different specifications and sizes to accommodate busbars of different diameters. When selecting a product, select an appropriate specification based on actual requirements.

The above is a product introduction of 10KV~35KV bus heat shrink pipe, if you need more details, please contact the relevant manufacturer or supplier. When using the bus heat shrink tube, please follow the product instructions and related standards to ensure correct installation and use to ensure the safe operation of the power system.

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